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Export Tasks, Topics, Chats, Comments and Attachments from your organisation.

  • Archive your Teams and Forums

  • Share project status or finished projects with your clients

  • Protect your data from malicious users or accidental deletion

  • Read and search content offline

  • Extract data for SOX compliance




Export Teams and Forums from

  • Tasks

  • Topics

  • Chats

  • Comments

  • Attachments

The local data extract enables:

  • Share project data with clients​

  • Protect from accidental deletion​

  • Search offline​

  • Meet compliance, eDiscovery, and SOX


One licence per organisation


  • RyExport is an independent application and is not affiliated to, or endorsed by, Ryver

  • Exports your Ryver data as raw JSON files which could be processed by other applications and tools

  • Creates HTML web pages for teams and forums to allow offline reading

  • Authenticate using your username and password or using session cookies from a browser that is logged into Ryver

  • We have a simple licence which allows you to use one copy at a time. The source code for RyExport is available under a different pricing plan for organisations who need to modify it for their own requirements or inspect it.

  • System Requirements: Windows 10 with .NET Framework 4.7.2 and Chrome or Firefox for viewing pages

  • It does not restore data into Ryver - the process is one-way only

  • It does not provide a way to move your data to another service, but could be an input to another system



RyExport downloads your data from using the public APIs used by the Ryver website.

Exports raw JSON files for processing by other applications

Converts Ryver data to human-readable web pages for offline reading

Counts the number of items exported and provides a live display during the export



This example shows a sample Task page from a Ryver team.


Each task is exported as a separate web page.


The whole kanban task board is exported as a single page showing lists of all tasks, organised by board column.

Any comments on a task are exported to a linked page.





This example shows the topics exported from a single Ryver Team, which only has two topics.


The topics are exported as web pages, with a different set of pages for each team or forum.

The pages include the formatting, emoji, and images that are included in Ryver.

Data is also exported in JSON format which allows the topics to be read by other software.

What is exported?

What is exported?

  • Teams

    • Tasks

    • Topics

    • Chats

  • Forums

    • Tasks

    • Topics

    • Chats

  • Entities​

    • Users​

    • Integrations

    • Team members

    • Watches

    • and other types of Ryver data

Only data which you have permission to view can be exported.

Main attributes which are exported:


  • Title

  • Description

  • Comments on topics and tasks

  • Attachments

  • Embedded images

  • Subtasks

  • Subtask completed states

  • Categories

  • Tags

  • Reactions

  • Created and modified dates

  • Sticky flag

  • Assignees

What is excluded from the export?

  • Archived topics and tasks

  • Workflow Automation configuration and rules (Ryver have discontinued this feature)

Private user data is excluded to avoid revealing personal information:


  • Private direct chats (DMs) between team members

    • Private topics created directly between team members

    • Personal Task Boards

    • Read/unread status

    • Reminders

    • Calls data

    • Notifications

Export formats

  • JSON

    • Raw data from the Ryver API is exported directly to JSON files

    • These could be processed by other applications or tools

    • Data is chunked into multiple pages to prevent files becoming too large

  • HTML

    • Key fields from the Ryver data are converted to HTML pages

    • This renders your tasks, topics and chats as human-readable pages for easy viewing

    • Each team and forum has its own folder so you can search them, package them up to share them with clients or archive them when a project is complete

  • Zip

    • Optionally all JSON and HTML files can be zipped after exporting

Helping you with SOX compliance


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act mandates the preservation and safe-keeping of electronic documentation. RyExport can help you with SOX compliance by providing a way to extract data from Ryver. With many teams using Ryver to replace emails, the archiving of conversations in Ryver teams and forums is essential.

RyExport will extract key data from Ryver for SOX or audit archives.


After extraction you will need to move the files produced by RyExport to a centralised SOX compliant tamper-proof and encrypted data store for retention.

The data extracted by RyExport can also be used for auditing, data-mining, eDiscovery, searching and analysis.

What is not shown in the HTML version of the export?


The following fields are included in the exported JSON but are not rendered in the HTML pages.

Topic fields:

  • Subscriptions

  • Permissions

  • Creation source

  • Modification source

  • Reaction usernames

  • Usernames for creation, modification or last reply

Task fields:

  • Subscriptions

  • Permissions

  • Reaction usernames

  • Chat transcript

  • Completion state (only included for subtasks)

  • Tag colours (tags are listed by name)

Category fields:

  • Creation date

  • Creation user

  • Keywords

  • Category type

Space fields:

  • Creation date

  • Creation user

  • Permissions

Help and feedback

Please send any questions or requests to



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Registered Company Number: 12395109

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© 2022 Utility Software

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